Professor Gibran
Terrorism and Political Violence - POLI 4059-01
The 4 Waves of Modern Terrorism
23 May 2017
Tennessee State University
Terrorism is a strategy or tactic that has been used to accomplish a political agenda and to put into a motion a set range of ideologies. The article, written by David Rapport, gives insight into the mind and mission of terrorism as well as how it came to develop into the modern-day institution it has become. David Rapaport was an English actor and the name of his paper is The Wave of Modern Terrorism. In the first chapter, Rapport discusses and defines the first of four wave of terrorism. He conceptually links the events and causes regarding the first wave as well their historical significance in promoting the progression of terrorism as we know it today. The first waves talks about the creation of modern terrorism that we are confronted with in our present day society. As a result of terrorism becoming a real entity, society has developed mixed feelings and perceptions regarding the dynamic that it brings to the mainstream. Terrorism in the greatest sense has …show more content…
The high point of the first wave of international terrorist activity occurred in the 18905, sometimes called the golden Age of assassination when monarch, prime ministers, and presidents were struck down, one after another, usually by assassins who moved easily across international borders (Burleigh, 2009). Anarchy is a crime against the whole human race, and all mankind should band together against the anarchist. His crimes should be made a crime against the law of nations declared by treaties among all civilized powers. The first great effort to deal with international terrorist failed because the interests of states pulled them in different directions, and the divisions developed new expressions as the century