analysis and statistics
6.4 million
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2.3 million
e id h w ncch ld reen ncres or f ffr rare –w o f f u n o inct le ioes s fa oP ctye eru n Pe ulo ra odP tum e Pr mfac u an
1st industry s in a te (in nd d rm 20 ev s o 08 el f r ) in oP es fr me ear a n nt c ce bu h dg et
v by ehic th fr le ro en s w ug ch er ho m e ut an Pro th ufa du e w ct ce or ur d ld ers
Patrick Blain, Chairman of CCFA
01 editorial
ANALYSiS ANd highLightS
04 World
• Production • Markets • Trade
competitiveness factors of the French automotive industry, the automotive industry and the crisis, etc. • The industry in France: research and development, competitiveness factors, foreign trade, etc. • Markets: diesel, body, used cars, French Overseas Departments, etc. • Use: vehicle ownership, traffic and CO2 emissions, domestic transport of passengers and freight, cost of passenger and freight transport, etc.
• Spending: price indices per mode of transport: passengers and freight, consumption, financing, etc. • Economic impact and employment: distribution, suppliers, etc.
56 World 59 euroPe 66 france
12 euroPe
• Markets by vehicle type, country, manufacturer, etc. • Passenger car fleet • The automotive industry
22 france
• French manufacturers: facilities, production, markets,
This brochure was produced by CCFA, 2 rue de Presbourg, 75008 Paris Telephone: +33 (0)1 49 52 51 00 – Fax: +33 (0)1 47 23 74 73 – Website: – E-mail: Design and production: Photos: Peugeot, Citroën, Renault, Renault Trucks – Translation: Parléclair. This document is printed on Print Speed Laser paper, certified PEFC (Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification), guaranteeing sustainable management of forests. It was printed by an Imprim’vert printer who uses