Economy was the dominant factor concerning the Revolution. It was the main and the most influential issue that was continuously an explosive element through much of the French Revolution. The French had collected a huge national debt, which they had no means of taking care of. France had the option to declare bankruptcy, lessening their overall payment on their debt, but the once powerful country was too weak and maybe even too prideful to go through with the action. Along with having an increased financial obligation, France had little to no way of paying off the debt. Even though half of France’s annual budget went to paying off debt, it still wasn’t enough. France had no central bank, no paper currency, and no means of creating
Economy was the dominant factor concerning the Revolution. It was the main and the most influential issue that was continuously an explosive element through much of the French Revolution. The French had collected a huge national debt, which they had no means of taking care of. France had the option to declare bankruptcy, lessening their overall payment on their debt, but the once powerful country was too weak and maybe even too prideful to go through with the action. Along with having an increased financial obligation, France had little to no way of paying off the debt. Even though half of France’s annual budget went to paying off debt, it still wasn’t enough. France had no central bank, no paper currency, and no means of creating