Some young men would leave the farm life and form a romantic elite part of French Canadian society. The Religion at the time was almost all Catholics as life was partially conducted by the Church. Recollects, Jesuits, Capuchins, Ursulines, Hospitallers were all motivated by the same faith and aspired to one thing only: to convert Aboriginal people to save their souls. The Occupation mainly consisted of farming, carpentering, and baking. Because of the church, most arts such as theatre or music weren’t allowed. Few artisans and peasants owned books. The job of women in New France was to take care of the children and the household. If the woman were of a family of wealth or high social status they could have hired servants to help them with the work. Poor women could not afford this and had to depend on the help from older siblings. Nowadays, Canada is a very multicultural and diverse country where a variety of occupations are available, from jobs such as cashiers, teachers, IT professionals, and marketing and advertising managers.
The average Canadian wage is approximately $50,000 right now,according to Statistics Canada. The Canadian Government is the federal administration of modern day Canada. As per the Constitution acts of 1867 and 1982 Canada is still a constitutional monarchy. The government is defined by the constitution as the Queen acting on the advice of her privy council, thus also puts strong effort into eliminating poverty and has a strict gun control, and just recently, the Canadian Government has also legalized same sex marriage. Woman have gained just about the same rights as men and can choose any career. In Present day Canada, Christians represent 67.3% of the population, people with no religion following with 23.9%. Islam is the second largest religion after Christianity, practiced by 3.2% of the population. Art is deeply encouraged by many and consists of literature, visual arts, theatre, film, music and many more. The Government of Canada has, at times, played a central role in the development of Canadian culture, enabling visual exposure, as well as establishing and funding numerous art schools and colleges across the