Globalisation is an overarching term referring to the process of state integration and worldviews resulted from increased human connectivity through increases in communications and trade technology. However Globalisation is contentious ideology. Views on globalisation fall into three main categories, Hyperglobalist, sceptics and Transformationalist. These three views vary heavily on the extent and even existence of Globalisation but for the purposes f this essay I will be assuming a Transformationalist perspective. The main characteristics of Transformationalism will be explored in this essay that of a transformation of state sovereignty and that state integration has been a long-standing process. The European Union will act as a case study in this investigation as it provides a clear example of contemporary state integration. The European Union, with its origins in the early 1950s can give us clear examples of the breadth and depth of state integration. The member states within the EU have undergone substantial changes to their state sovereignty, yet at the same time the state is still a substantial actor on the International Relations Stage. Furthermore the EU’s integration has its origins in the 1950s, which can give us a clear example of how this integration, although increased by recent tides of communications and transportation technologies, has been a long-standing process. This essay will examine globalisation within the EU through a Transformationalist perspective to explore the extent of the impact of globaliation in Europe to see what it can tell us about the rest of the world.
Transformationalist believes that Globalisation is a real but long-standing process. This view purports that Globalisation is a multi-faceted process, affecting different aspects of human life in different ways, to varying degrees. One of these aspects is that the role of the state is undergoing fundamental change, although not becoming
Bibliography: Coughlan, Anthony. (2004). Nation, State Sovereignty and State Sovereignty. Irish Quarterly. Ireland. Archer, Clive. (2008). The European Union. Routledge Institutions. Canada.