Veronica L Nelson
MHA 628: Managed Care & Contractual Services
Dr. Hwang-Ji Lu
June 1, 2015
The health restructuring dispute has centered on compensating providers particularly more when delivering quality care to their patients than for enhancing the volume of services they provide (Ries, 2014) Accountable care organizations (ACOs) is a single proposed way of altering compensation methods to accomplish this objective by generating encouragement to enhance care coordination and clinical integration (Thygeson, Frosch, and Carman, 2014).
Accountable care organizations (ACOs) try to find to ways to redesign the method of care is supplied and the means providers with mutual accountability for patients are compensated. The objective is to encourage providers to bear in mind all of the treatment their patients acquire and to organize with each other. ACOs are not a magical solution for restructuring our health care system however it can possible is a portion of an incorporated strategy to improve incentive and develop the infrastructure of our care delivery system. Colla, Lewis, Shortell and Fisher (2014) suggest that policymakers should perceive ACOs as part of a inclusive approach that also seek to persuade provider preparation and mind-set, the amount and combination of providers, and area disparity in patients’ and providers’ opinion of health care.
Managed Health Care Quality
Accountable care organizations aim to address defects in organization of and payment for health care (Goldsmith, 2011). Currently, (FFS) or what is commonly known as fee-for-service payments, collectively with pay-for-performance incentives, offer minute momentum for providers to streamline to improve their performance. ACO suggestions goal is to alter these dynamics by offering monetary incentives for extensive fee restraint and quality performance across numerous location of
References: Anderson, D. G. (2014). AN EXAMINATION OF POTENTIAL MEDICAL GROUP PRACTICE PARTICIPATION IN ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS (Doctoral dissertation, George Mason University). Bonney, A., Jones, S. C., & Iverson, D. (2012). The older patient, the general practitioner and the trainee: patients ' attitudes and implications for training.Education for Primary Care, 23(3), 186-195. Fisher, E. S., Shortell, S. M., Kreindler, S. A., Van Citters, A. D., & Larson, B. K. (2012). A framework for evaluating the formation, implementation, and performance of accountable care organizations. Health Affairs, 31(11), 2368-2378. Friedberg, M. W., Chen, P. G., White, C., Jung, O., Raaen, L., Hirshman, S., ... & Lipinski, L. (2015). Effects of health care payment models on physician practice in the United States. RAND Corporation. Goldsmith, J. (2011). Accountable care organizations: the case for flexible partnerships between health plans and providers. Health Affairs, 30(1), 32-40. Hahn, H. F., Criger, T. A., & Husch Blackwell, L. L. P. (2011). Accountable care organizations: Physician participation required. AHLA Connections, 24-30. Huntington, W. V., Covington, L. A., Center, P. P., Covington, L. A., & Manchikanti, L. (2011). Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010: reforming the health care reform for the new decade. Pain Physician, 14(1), E35-E67. Ries, N. M. (2014). Health professionals and the organization of healthcare.Routledge Handbook of Medical Law and Ethics, 155. Shortell, S. M., Casalino, L. P., & Fisher, E. S. (2010). How the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation should test accountable care organizations. Health Affairs, 29(7), 1293-1298. Thygeson, M., Frosch, D. L., & Carman, K. L. (2014). Patient+ Family Engagement in a Changing Health Care Landscape. Valenzuela, J. (2014). Medicare advantage 's population make-up and its impact on the future of Medicare financing. California State University, Long Beach. Wu, F. M. (2014). The Role of Health Information Technology in Early Accountable Care Organizations in the United States (Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Berkeley).