Information Systems Management
Prof. dr. E.W. Berghout
The Gazette
A case study
Wiebke Behnes2181827 | Daniel Bodganskis2197375 | Hannes Hermess2168014 | Lukas Stukenborgs2198932 |
Table of Content
1. A new digital strategy 2 2. Assignment of priorities to investment proposals 6 3. Criticism on the completeness of the investment proposals 16 4. Reassessment of the investment proposals 20 5. References 22
1. -------------------------------------------------
A new digital strategy
Due to the current situation of The Gazette and the preparations to foreclose the paper printing facilities, we as a group have been asked to elaborate a digital strategy. Before explaining our overall strategy we have to define some important parts of our concept first.
As stated in the case, The Gazette is a publisher of a national morning newspaper, an evening paper as well as provincial newspaper and several free local publications. Firstly, we would like to reduce the number of papers to one paper. This way The Gazette can more intensively focus on the quality and topicality of one paper and make it a success instead of having various papers of "average quality". Furthermore, we see that currently there has been a focus not only on national and international news but also on local news. We think this is appropriate and would therefore like to categorize the topicality of news into two main categories, namely "local news" as well as "world news". While "local news" are news, videos and pictures that are from your province, region or local community, including topics like local politics or local weather, are "world news" articles about events that are of higher importance to the world, such as happenings in the world politics or across countries.
Our strategy build’s on the idea to publish
References: Porter, Michael E., Competitive Advantage, New York, Free Press, 1985 Porter, M