
The Generation Gap

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The Generation Gap

As generations come and go, they each possess individual values, attitudes, and goals that strike them apart from other generations. A gap has always been noted between the current generation and the others before it. Acting like a barrier, it keeps the different generations distinct. A number of factors play a role in the creation of this barrier. The previous generations have played a big role in shaping the newest generation by offering more help to them. Also, the newest generation seems to have developed a different attitude about and approach to life.
My generation's attitude about life is very unique compared to the attitudes of other generations'. Laziness, selfishness, and greed have infected my generation. Since previous generations have made life so much easier for us, many do not truly appreciate it and take it for granted. Many lack the value of hard work and achievement. Also, they have this mentality that they can do anything they want without consequences or punishment. It seems many members of my generation are under this false illusion. This attitude sets a distinction between my generation and the others.

The last key factor that makes my generation different is their open-mindedness. The older generation seems to be more closed minded to different ideas and viewpoints, while my generation seems to embrace them. The previous generations have stricter mindsets about intimacy, homosexuality and interracial relationships, they seem to stay strong to what values they have learned and stick with them no matter what, while my generation seems to question such values and learn to form opinions themselves.
All of these elements show how different my generation is compared to other generations that came before us and how it is evolving from the previous

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