Breaking Dormancy of Ipil-Ipil Seeds (Leucaenaleucocephala L.) and
Storage of Orthodox and Recalcitrant Seeds1
Monique Balitian
Bobby Ching
Charles John Gunay
Group 2 Section Y-1L
March 19, 2013
1A scientific paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Fundamentals of Crop Science I laboratory under Mr. Arlan James D. Rodeo, 2nd sem., 2012-2013
INTRODUCTION Seeds are the specialized parts of the plants that results to a new plant. They provide a site of food and shelter for it. Because of the process called germination, matured seeds can be able to sprout. Germinating seeds absorbs great amount of water. This water initiates different chemical processes that will occur inside the seed. This is also the reason why the seeds’ internal tissues swell, causing the seed coat to break. Seeds have a high respiration rate, thus need ample but sufficient amountamount of oxygen. Respiration allows the germinating seed to break down food and convert it to energy essential for growth. Germination varies its complimentary temperature. Though, a lot of seeds want low temperature when it will germinate. In general, germination requires abundant water, ample amount of oxygen and suitable temperature depending on the type of seed (World Book Encyclopedia, 1997). There are two kinds of germination: hypogeal and epigeal germination. For hypogeal germination, the epicotyl elongates leaving the cotyledon under ground while for epigeal germination, the hypocotyl is the one that gets longer and pushes through the soil (Roberts and King , 1987). However, there are times when viable seeds fail to germinate even at favorable conditions of moisture and temperature. This is called seed dormancy. Through ages, there are seeds having a hard coat that do not let them absorb water they need for germination. Although, there have been a lot of methods that enables the coats permeable (The Encyclopedia
Cited: * My Agricultural Information Bank (2011). “Methods of Breaking Dormancy”. Retrieved from * (1976). The Encyclopedia Americana International Edition (Vol. 24, 516-518). Canada: Americana Corporation. * (1997). The World Book Encyclopedia (International) (Vol. 17, 235-237). United States of America: World Book, Inc. * Crop Science Cluster (2012). Crop Science 1: Laboratory Manual. Los Baños: College of Agriculture University of the Philippines Los Baños. * Roberts M.B.V. and King, T.J. (1987). Biology a functional approach: Student’s Manual2nd edition. United Kingdom: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.