
The Getty Kouros And Provenance: Article Analysis

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There is a world of art and artists out there that everybody knows of, but there is also an underground world of art which contains forgery and deceit. This is discussed in the article Art and The Truth: The Getty Kouros and Provenance. This article goes into the world of forged art and illegally exported pieces of art from their original countries, and it does quite a good job of telling the story. The article’s first main issue discussed in the article is about The Getty Kouros, a life-size marble statue go a male figure standing nude, and whether or not the piece is fake, or even stolen art. The article then gives you good information on what exactly “faking it” is in the art industry, and how forgers would go about doing it. This really helps give you insight on the world of art, and whether or not it is real, because it helps you understand that forgery is a thing that does happen quite often, and there are many forgers who can pull it off. The author makes you question whether or not fakes should be accepted into the art world as pieces of their own. …show more content…

The laws state that a piece of art that is found belongs to the country from which it was found, so the artwork that is smuggled out is often illegally sold. The evidence provided in this article helps make its argument strong. For example, the article talks about the sculpture of Hercules, and how the upper half was in a museum in Boston while the bottom half was dug up in Turkey, and the upper half of the sculpture was then believed to have belonged to Turkey (Art and The Truth: The Getty Kouros and Provenance). This proves that sometimes art truly does get stolen and smuggled out of its country of

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