As the novel begins, Dangerfield is struggling while studying law at Dublin University and living in poverty in a spooky, rundown house on the edge of a cliff in Ireland. His wife and baby daughter are away, and he has his friend O'Keefe over. Dangerfield buys food and liquor on credit, and they get drunk and wreck the house. Marion comes back and is furious with his...The Ginger Man, named after the outrageous novel by J.P. Donleavy, began its journey in 1985 in an old house in Houston, Texas. This original creation, believed by many to be the first multi-tap bar in America, was hailed by the late British beer guru, Michael Jackson, as one of the finest beer bars in the world. It was to be followed by The Ginger Man bars in Dallas and Austin and, in 1996, what was to
As the novel begins, Dangerfield is struggling while studying law at Dublin University and living in poverty in a spooky, rundown house on the edge of a cliff in Ireland. His wife and baby daughter are away, and he has his friend O'Keefe over. Dangerfield buys food and liquor on credit, and they get drunk and wreck the house. Marion comes back and is furious with his...The Ginger Man, named after the outrageous novel by J.P. Donleavy, began its journey in 1985 in an old house in Houston, Texas. This original creation, believed by many to be the first multi-tap bar in America, was hailed by the late British beer guru, Michael Jackson, as one of the finest beer bars in the world. It was to be followed by The Ginger Man bars in Dallas and Austin and, in 1996, what was to