One example that shows Jonas is honest is when Jonas is telling his dream at the morning meal. “He paused. He knew he had to tell it all, that it was not only all right but necessary to tell all of a dream. So he forced himself to relate to the part that made him feel uneasy. ‘I wanted her to to take off her clothes and get into the tub,...’ ” (Pg. 36) This makes Jonas honest because even though telling the dream makes him feel uneasy and uncomfortable, he tells it all anyways, not leaving out any part of it. Jonas could have lied and made up some of the dream so it was less embarrassing, or he could not have told it all, but Jonas told the truth and told his parents all of the dream, or at least all of the parts he could remember. Another example that makes Jonas honest is at the evening meal, during the sharing of feelings, he prefers that he’d rather keep his feelings hidden that day. Of course, Jonas is honest and explains to his family how he feels, apprehensive about the upcoming Ceremony Of Twelve. Telling exactly how he feels makes Jonas honest because he could have just made it up how he felt, said something totally different and lied to his parents, but he doesn’t. Jonas confesses how he feels to his parents. Towards the end of the book, Jonas was more deceitful than honest. One example that shows Jonas is deceitful is that Jonas transfers a memory to Gabriel but decides not to tell. “He was not aware of giving the memory; but suddenly he realized that it was becoming dimmer, that it was sliding through his hand into the being of the newchild. Gabriel became quiet...He wondered, though, if he should confess to the Giver that he had given a memory away...He decided not to tell.” (Pgs. 116-117) This shows Jonas is deceitful because he knows that he’s probably not
One example that shows Jonas is honest is when Jonas is telling his dream at the morning meal. “He paused. He knew he had to tell it all, that it was not only all right but necessary to tell all of a dream. So he forced himself to relate to the part that made him feel uneasy. ‘I wanted her to to take off her clothes and get into the tub,...’ ” (Pg. 36) This makes Jonas honest because even though telling the dream makes him feel uneasy and uncomfortable, he tells it all anyways, not leaving out any part of it. Jonas could have lied and made up some of the dream so it was less embarrassing, or he could not have told it all, but Jonas told the truth and told his parents all of the dream, or at least all of the parts he could remember. Another example that makes Jonas honest is at the evening meal, during the sharing of feelings, he prefers that he’d rather keep his feelings hidden that day. Of course, Jonas is honest and explains to his family how he feels, apprehensive about the upcoming Ceremony Of Twelve. Telling exactly how he feels makes Jonas honest because he could have just made it up how he felt, said something totally different and lied to his parents, but he doesn’t. Jonas confesses how he feels to his parents. Towards the end of the book, Jonas was more deceitful than honest. One example that shows Jonas is deceitful is that Jonas transfers a memory to Gabriel but decides not to tell. “He was not aware of giving the memory; but suddenly he realized that it was becoming dimmer, that it was sliding through his hand into the being of the newchild. Gabriel became quiet...He wondered, though, if he should confess to the Giver that he had given a memory away...He decided not to tell.” (Pgs. 116-117) This shows Jonas is deceitful because he knows that he’s probably not