of their lives, which involves jobs revolving around nursing and so on. The job that families are assigned to is based on your ability, which means everyone in that family are capable of doing the same job. Jobs were picked and assigned to each person, so that everyone would have the same amount of success in a specific level of the socioeconomic status pyramid. Families are separated into four with a female and male child. They are working under people who called themselves the elder. The elders choose their job based on how they would like to work and the people they would like to work with. Also, they would sit there every day and they would act as overseers by watching the people work. Elders are the people make the laws and people that are under them must respect it. Chief Elders is the lady who the society is supervised and ran by. She ensures that everyone is assigned to someone and everyone is the same. They have a curfew, where they can’t be out after that curfew. Also, everyone wears the same clothes, which acts like a uniform. Also, they don’t have a last name; they just have a first name, so everyone is known as their first name. This concept in “The Giver” reminds one of how slavery was ran because slaves were stripped of their right to have their own name. Furthermore, they don’t have any emotions to feel, meaning they are desensitized to the issues that are occurring in their community. Although “The Giver” reflects what a dystopian society looks like, don’t think our world could be dystopian society because the masses will reject the idea of operating by dictatorship standards.
Compared to the movie “The Giver”, it is not required that people have to go through a dystopian society, but they choose to be under those restrictions. It would be a lot of protesting and rebelling against the government rules. Governments shouldn’t be allowed to pick what job someone has or what family someone should belong to. Also, people in this world today are violent and impolite, so they wouldn’t listen to someone like the elders in the movie, “The Giver.” Also, that would make black people think they are going back to slavery times and they have worked too hard to go back to that time. With the new president coming into the chair, it would be a dystopian society in the United States. The new president is Donald Trump and he is a racist, misogynist. The only thing he cares about is the rick white folks, who makes up the socioeconomic pyramid. He of all people should work for someone and no money should be given to you if you don’t work for it. Therefore, I don’t think he would take the time to pick master and let people work them. I don’t know how long it would take, but he will do something that will launch the United States into a new definition of a dystopian society. He doesn’t want to see the world happy and free; he want to see the world with no emotion, fear, and sadness just like the government in “The