Jonas, the 12 year-old boy, is the main character of this book, moreover, he is my most favourite character. I appreciate this character because of his persoanl qualities: intelligence, integrity and courage. Because Jonas has all of these qualities, Jonas is been selected as the Reciever of meomry, which is a job that to held all the memories in the past, since the rest of the people nin his community doesn’t want to face these feelings and pain. During his training, he learnt and see divers things which …show more content…
Same as Jonas, he was a receiver in the past, his duty now is to transfer all memory to Jonas. He also have all the qualities that Jonas have: intelligence, integrity, courage, last but not least, wisdom and another mysterious quality which can be tell but not discribed, the capacity to see beyond, which are the two qualities that Jonas hasn’t acquired. The giver is a kind-hearted old man, in the story, he teaches Jonas all variable of things in order to gain wisdom and be prepare to become a receiver, furthrmore, he supports Jonas a lot, and he is the only person Jonas can talk