
The Giver Julius Caesar Analysis

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What’s Considered Light? Throughout the essay How to Mark a Book the author, Mortimer J. Adler, brings up the idea and topic of what makes a book worthy of being ‘marked up’ and what he considers to be a light read. He uses examples such as Paradise Lost and Gone with the Wind; The latter being deemed not as worthy. The reason being because it simply does not make you think quite as hard as say, something such as the Bible would. It does not require as much thought and conversation with the author. With that being said, what determines if a book is light? If an easy read of fiction could simply fall into this category, perhaps a book such as The Giver would not require as much thought in comparison to Shakespeare’s Hamlet, therefore not worthy of being marked up. The purpose of this essay will be to determine whether or not …show more content…

While Hamlet leaves more room for interpretation of the writing on a psychological level (referring to the motives of many of the characters.) and in ways that allows the reader to clarify what they read in their own way, The Giver offers a more relatable conversation that the audience can have with the author due to it being a much easier read and having a more modern setting that we are familiar with. So really, it could go either way. People will have different things they enjoy to analyze. All in all, if Adler had a choice between marking one of those two books, he would more likely go with Hamlet. Enough evidence is shown in the way he writes his essay that The Giver would be too fictional and not be in need of quite as much analysis. I believe he even mentions that Shakespeare, along with several other older works, is one of the books you should tell your friend to buy their own copy to mark up. That being another example to how he values the other genres on a higher intellectual reading

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