The job as a Receiver of Memory causes a mass amount of pain to Jonas. When he is getting his assignment …show more content…
Jonas was walking out of the auditorium and people were looking at him gruesomely and avoiding him and he is thinking, “ Jonas felt separate, different. He remembered what the Chief Elder had said: that his training would be alone and apart. But his training has not yet begun and already, upon leaving the Auditorium, he felt the apartness.” (62) Therefore, when he got his assignment, he felt separate from all of the other kids who got regular jobs and not the greatest job of the whole community and he felt apart from the other kids and even his family. When Jonas had a day off because of a holiday, he went to the park and he saw the kids playing a game of war, and when he confronted Ashur, Ashur said, “ Whatever. [he] cannot say what we play, even if [he] is going to be the new Receiver.” Ashur looked warily at him. “ I apologize for not paying [he] the respect [he] deserve.” (127) Therefore, Jonas feels separate from his peers, because they do not know what actually happened and what that game used to be. When he confronted them, they made fun of him for being the Receiver and that he cannot just stop their game just because he is going to be in the highest job in the community. In his directions that he got, because he got the assignment to become the Receiver of Memory, the directions say, “ Do not discuss [his] training with any members of the community, including …show more content…
The Receiver was talking about his age, and he said, “I am not, actually, as old as I look,” he told Jonas. “ This job has aged me. I know I look as if I should be scheduled for release. But actually I have a acceptable deal of time left.” (72) Therefore, when anyone becomes the Receiver of Memory age a plethora more than The Giver would in a regular job, because of the importance of the job he stresses more, which causes him to look older. When The Giver becomes the age when he actually needs to be released, he will look way older than the rest of the people getting released. The Chief Elder was telling the audience when Jonas had been selected Receiver of Memory, she said, “ Such a selection is very, very rare,” The Chief Elder told the audience, “ Our community only has one Receiver. It is he who trains his successor.” (57) Although this may be true, there is only one Receiver that is trained to be able to train the next Receiver of Memory, the Receiver gets older because of all of the tough work he puts in to train the new Receiver, because it is a rare situation to have a new Receiver. Therefore, The Giver has to put in loads of work to train a Receiver, since it is especially rare, so he has to put in an oodles of consolidating work to train him well, so another incident does not happen like it did ten years ago. When the Receiver of Memory is