What is meant by Globalization?
Form 5 Groups, discuss the questions below for 30 Minutes in your group; each group presents its findings to the class. What is Globalization? What is being “globalized”? Establish a ranking of degree of globalization. Develop a definition and discuss your definition in terms of the factors below Advantages, Disadvantages, Opportunities, Threats For participating and not participating For Nations, Companies, Individuals
Globalization Defined
Many authors have attempted to define globalization. Despite differing opinions about developing a definition, all authors agree on one thing: that defining this term is anything but easy. Proposed Definition of “Globalization” by the “Geneva Centre for Security Policy”: “Globalization is a process that encompasses the causes, course, and consequences of transnational and transcultural integration of human and non-human activities.”
International Trade of Goods, Services and Ideas (Patents) Appears to be a Core Globalization Activity Thus the Question: Why do Companies, People or Nations Trade?
Copyright: Peter B. Grubenmann
Why do People or Nations Trade
Countries engage in international trade for two basic reasons: – They are different from each other in terms of climate, land, capital, labor, and technology. – They try to achieve scale economies in production. The Ricardian model, developed by English Economist David Ricardo (1772 – 1832), tries to explain why Nations trade.
Copyright: Peter B. Grubenmann
Why do People or Nations Trade
Ricardo’s theory is based on technological differences across countries. These technological differences are reflected in differences in •the productivity of labor •and opportunity costs that determine •COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE
Copyright: Peter B. Grubenmann
Labor Productivity, Opportunity Costs and Comparative Advantage: The Ricardian Model