Slide 5: As the scene progresses, it starts to intensify. When Don Vito stands, it cuts to a long shot where Tom Hagen and Sonny Corleone immediately stand, and cross the room. This gives the impression of rising to protect the Godfather in case of emergency, which shows how important Don Vito is. It also could be because Don Vito stood, so they have to treat him with respect and …show more content…
This could be because it is no longer a tense situation, and that trust and a friendship is forming. The recurring color of brown correlates with the spekulation of wealth and professionalism.
Slide 9: The ring- As a symbol of respect in the mafia, a person kisses the hand of the Godfather, in this case Don Vito. This is interesting because in the Catholic religion, a person kisses the ring of the Pope when they him. These connect because the official religion of Italy has been Roman Catholic and that is also the location where the Italian mafia originated, and where Don Vito was born. Through the slow paced editing and the actions of the Godfather, he is introduced as a powerful, and mysterious character that demands