1.) Parallel Points
I.) Scarface - Tony’s rise to power is a notable rags-to-riches story, only that it involves drugs and dead bodies. The dark and criminalized American Dream was a strongly implemented backbone of the story, wherein an immigrant comes to the US to find his fortune and future. Tony eventually succeeds for a moment, but when his judgement and pure unluckiness started to overwhelm him, he became a cautionary tale of excesses and greed
II.) The Godfather - The story starts on a high note, being a war veteran and born from a wealthy and influential family, Michael was dragged to family affairs when he only meant to preserve his. He became more fixated on control and started to be more cynical and ending with him becoming a mafia don on his own right. They also dealt with threats, only that Tony is fighting self-inflicted illusions and being killed in the process, while Michael ruthlessly suppressed any manner of threats. Winning in the end, but losing his humanity.
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His steady transition as drug lord happens during the end of the first arc. We are then shown a series of transitional montages as to how he built his empire.
II.) The Godfather – The film has one big arc that is then sectioned into 3. A minor transitional arc within the film is Michael and Apollonia marriage and her death marks a smooth transition to the rise of Michael as mob boss, which happens at the very end of the