Upon besieging the isle of Melos, the Athenians gave a proclamation to the Melians. The offer was one of peace, with the rationale being that the Melians “would have the advantage of submitting before suffering the worst, and we should gain by not destroying you.”(Discovering 62) With the island of Melos being a vulnerable point that Attica’s enemies could easily take advantage of, it would have been dangerous for the Athenians to let the Melian’s remain neutral. Attica offered for Melos to become a “tributary ally, without ceasing to enjoy the country that belongs to [the Melians]”, and to place Melos under the protection of “the greatest city in Hellas.” (Discovering 63) Peacekeeping and guardianship were tools of the Athenian military: they were not solely focused on outward and merciless conquest. Additionally as stated by Pericles, “we throw open our city to the world, and never by alien acts exclude foreigners from any opportunity of learning or observing.” (Discovering 60) This policy of openness, while other powers surely guarded their secrets, set Attica apart as a force of might that only sought fighting after all other options had been exhausted. The military of Attica was most powerful, as well as tolerant. Pioneers of western philosophy, like Socrates and Plato, lived in Attica and flourished during a time of liberality and progressive thought. For example, Attica was to be the “first in the west to provide answers that were not expressed in religious or mythological terms.” (Discovering 54) The philosophy of the time was grounded in the physical world, no longer holding religious motives. This new thinking is what has led to Western ideas of truth, knowledge, and the principles of being. Furthermore, in Attica during this time there were great places of assembly where people gathered to discuss such things, one example of such being the Athenian Agora (Discovering 73). The presence of meeting places and forums such as the Agora show that Athens was open to new ideas which were often pondered and discussed in such places. All in all, the roots of western thoughts belong to Attica and its great thinkers during this time period. Comparing the time of Attica from 500-399 B.C., there is no denying the greatness that arose. As the petals of the flowers of Attica fell, and times moved towards the dark ages, it is clear that the Athenians had lived through a Golden Age consisting of the first democracy, the foundations of western philosophical ideas, and great military prowess. With all evidence considered, Attica during this time period was the climax of the old western world, and deserves its status as the Golden Age and peak of the old western civilizations.
Works Cited
"U.S. Constitution." Legal Information Institute. 2010. Cornell University Law School, Web. 11 Feb 2010. <http://topics.law.cornell.edu/constitution>.
Cited: "U.S. Constitution." Legal Information Institute. 2010. Cornell University Law School, Web. 11 Feb 2010. <http://topics.law.cornell.edu/constitution>.