The golden rule
The golden rule is all about how we all need to treat others the same way you want to be treated and how we should be nice to everyone.
-A quote that explains the golden rule for christians is "so whatever you wish that others would do to to you, do also to them, for this is the low and the prophets" Matthew 7:12 .
-A quote that explains the golden rule for muslims is “ none of has faith until he loves for himself sahih muslim 1:72
-A quote that explains the golden rule for Jewish people is “ and as you wish do to you, do so to them luke 6:31 1b)
-What christians do to help out is they donate their time and money helping charities such as Caritas and St. Vincent De Paul.
-What muslims do to show the golden rule …show more content…
-Most Israelis still want to believe they are fighting only for their security and have nothing against Muslims, while many Palestinians still want to blame the occupation for all violence.
-The Palestinians, from their side deny they are simply out to kill Jews, and demand that the world see the murders in the context of the ever increasing frustration of a young generation living under unending Israeli occupation and oppression. That is the sole root cause of violence, they insist. 3)
These three religions come together as one group to model harmony to the wider community
The Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia (JCMA) is a not for profit organisation promoting the prevention of emotional and physical abuse arising from religious intolerance and cultural discrimination.
JCMA aims to reduce racism, intolerance, bigotry and violence and the associated emotional harm through creating and providing forums for interfaith dialogue and shared experience.
Building bridges: advancing partnerships among residential and community based providers, youth and families to improve lives 4).
The Australian National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims, and