The Gothic Age
As the third year that followed the year on thousand grew near, there was to be seen over almost all the earth, but especially in Italy and in Gaul, a great renewal of church buildings; each Christian community was driven by a spirit of rivalry to have a more glorious church than the others. It was as if the world had shaken itself, and casting off its old garments, had dressed itself again in every part in a white robe of churches.
Raoul Glaber, Historia, c.1003
The Gothic Age (c. AD 1130-1530) marked the end to an age of chaos, primarily caused by the sacking and pillaging of the Vikings. After the great minds of Western Europe were freed from using their vast knowledge to defend against invaders or plagues, they now had the time and the resources needed to design any and everything in this era from bridges to city walls and castles to cathedrals. This was also a very religious age, with plenty of money being pumped into the Church, some from the crusades, with all of its included looting, and a lot more from all of the tithes all of the people who were born in the population explosion gave faithfully. Another even bigger source of income for the Church came to it in the shape of power and prestige, when the power of the church peaked in AD 1277. Not only was this a good time for the Church, but this was also a very good time for all of humanity. The standard of living dramatically rose, and along with it, the population of Western Europe shot up. In 1346, the estimated population of Europe was fifty-four point four million just before the plague hit and wiped out more than a third of the population.1 2 This was more than twice the population of Europeans in the year 950 when it was 22,600,0003 . While the population was exploding there were so many new cathedrals built that in the relatively short time period of two hundred and fifty years, there was more stone quarried to be used in cathedrals (several
Bibliography: Gothic Architecture By Robert Brammer, 1961 George Brazzillier New York Beverly Hills public Library 723.5 B The Cathedral Builders By Jean Grinner, 1993 by Editions du Seuil Beverly Hills Public Library 726.6 The Gothic Cathedral By Christopher Wilson, 1990 Thames and Hudson Ltd. London Beverly Hills Public Library 726.6 Wilson London Beverly Hills Public Library 726.6 Cathedral: The Story of It 's Construction By David Macaulay, 1973 Houlton Churches: Their Plan and Furnishing By Peter F. Anson, 1948 By the Bruce Publishing Co High School 726.1Ans Compton 's Multimedia Encyclopedia, Macintosh Edition, 1992 Compton 's NewMedia,