One of the most outstanding themes on Wuthering Heights is the gothic characterization of the setting and the strange events which occurs in its surroundings. The aim in this work is study the characterization of ghost and the gothic during the Victorian Era and, in specific Wuthering Heights. The ghost and spiritualism themes appeal both men and women in the nineteen century and we should consider the fact that more than half gothic stories were written by women. First of all we should understand the reason for that appeal in writers, in this case women.
Susan E. Shaper in her article “Victorian Ghosts in the Noontide: Women writers and the supernatural” claims that the attraction which women have for the supernatural is because of women were distanced from others occupations and power due to their field was moral influence. According to Sharper this participation on mesmerism and spiritualism it is also a way to express their oppression; women use their gothic and supernatural stories to show they had a sort of power in this field in a patriarchal society. Thus there is a strong relationship between clairvoyance, witches and ghosts with women in the Victorian era and are “identified with the ghost’s paradoxical position”.
Sharpe also mention the importance of the women’s discourse on the book wrote during this time, some have a healing effect but others have a hurtful effect. In Wuthering Heights there are many examples of women discourse, even one narrator is a woman but a great example could be the effect of Catherine Earnshaw’s speech over Heathcliff which has an important element on the story.
The figure of the ghost during the nineteen century changed from its early years to the last years of the century, the characteristics given are not the same. According to Jennifer Bann, in her article Ghostly Hands and Ghostly Agency: The changing figure of the nineteen-century specter, the ghost figure at the beginning were a limited being with which is emphasized the idea of death and fault, Bann suggest as good example Marley’s ghost form A Christmas Carol. However the ghost at the end of century become active and is given power of influence over the human world, contrary to the old constraints. In Wuthering Heights the reader can observe how the ghost of Catherine Earnshaw has power to drive Heathcliff mad as he asked.
Bann explains that this change is due to the widespread of spiritualism movement in middle years of the century which considered ghosts and spirits something mighty and changeable by nature. This influenced in the creation of the new ghost stereotype on literature and this transformation is shown “by tracing the developments of the ghostly hand, from the powerless hand-wringing of Marley’s ghost to the controlling, guiding, or demonstrative hands of later ghosts” (664)
The hand of the ghost is deal with as a trope of agency by Bann, the prime example as how the ghost characterization changes to action. It was also influential the reported ghosts in England since the eighteen century and the publicity it received. The most famous cases had as ghosts young girls between eleven an thirteen years old. In Wuthering Heights the appearance of Catherine Earnshaw when surprised Mr. Lockwood is not an adult woman but a child precisely of that age.
In this scene we can also observe the strength of Catherine’ ghost when she grab Lockwood’s arm through the broken glass creating a terrifying scene. Catherine is described with a cold skin as sign of dead being which is begging to return her old home. Moreover the scene is in the middle of confusion between being part of a dream or the reality. According to Bann this common caused by an unresolved and unclear past and also it is useful to connect the narrator with the following events and create coherence in the story.
Other characteristics of ghost during this period are the individualisation and the specification of the being which is emphasised, demonstrating to whom it belong, and the amount of corporeal nature given. Bann claims that the spiritualism influence on ghosts makes them “as varied and as psychologically complex as they had been in life, their ability to act within a physical sphere evidence of both their individuality and their liberation from the restrictions of mortality” (673).
The gothic literature gives much importance to the surrounding the action occurs, what is why the author emphasises on the house’s characterization transforming it in a key element to understand the gothic characterization of the book , where next is presented the events. According to Gabriella Parro, in her review of the gothic novel “Fall on your knees” by Ann-Marie MacDonald’s, explains that gothic literature commonly is concerned with haunted houses or bloodlines and coursed families. In addition, it is also concerned with racial prejudices and miscegenation.
First of all the emplacement of Wuthering Heights, in the north of the country with a stormy, cold and windy weather, which is also placed in isolation help to create an atmosphere of darkness and loneliness. The building characteristics finish creating the image of haunted mansion:
“Happily, the architect had foresight to build it strong: the narrow windows are deeply set in the wall, and the corners defended with large jutting stones.
Before passing the threshold, I paused to admire a quantity of grotesque carving lavished over the front, and especially about the principal door; above which, among a wilderness of crumbling griffins and shameless little boys , I detected the date '1500,' and the name 'Hareton Earnshaw’.”(Brontë, 6)
Deeply narrow windows in thick walls which does not allow enter much light into the house, a great grotesque carvings as decoration which evoke strange, fantastic, unsightly and disagreeable figures and shapes. It includes griffins, a strange creature mixture of a lion and a bird which in its origin use to guard important buildings or treasures and used to appear double, and “shameless little boys” both related with the characterization of grotesque which is produced by doubleness, hybridity and metamorphosis.
We can speak about coursed families due to Heathcliff destroyed not one but to families in the fulfillment of his revenge. The Earnshaw family was convicted to disappear by Heathcliff who keep resentment towards Hindley and Catherine because of the treatment he has received in the house. In addition he never forgives Catherine and her marriage with Edgar Linton.