2. The government in V for Vendetta creates a dystopia by taking away the citizens; Freedom of speech, freedom of individual thoughts and actions, and ultimately their right to happiness in a world of cruelty, injustice, intolerance and oppression. Where once you had the freedom to object, think, and speak as …show more content…
Evey is tortured by V, physically and sociologically until she comes to the realization of V’s point of view. Evey changed in that she becomes confident in herself, believing in herself that she has the ability to make decisions for herself, not having to rely on the strict regulations that placed her in a constant fear of what would happen to her if she disobeyed. She was able to forgive V because she had the ability to arrive to an epiphany that gave her the gift she had always wanted, which is freedom from fear. This shows us that Evey is a strong willed person to not have sold out V. Evey became a new person; she losses her old identity and overcomes her fears which empowers her to fight back, even if it meant death. Through her newfound faith she was capable of making decisions at the end to follow through with the freedom of her fellow countrymen, she found something that meant more to her than