
The Government Is Watching Us

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The Government Is Watching Us
The Government is Watching Us
The United States government has been one of the most supreme governments ever to exist in the world. For years, there has not been a government that can compare to the US government. However, that does not mean that the US government is a perfect one. In fact, many of the government 's tactics are being debated today. For example, after September 11, 2001, the US passed the Patriot Act on October 26, 2001. The term USA Patriot is an acronym which stands for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (Zara Gelsey, p.473). This act allows the FBI to watch what people are doing. The USA Patriot Act gives the government too much power to invade privacy. This act may very well put our futures in jeopardy.
The Patriot Act is a dangerous law. It is completely the opposite of what this country is supposed to be about. It pretty much puts the Constitution on stand-by. It should be known as the Constitution Shredding Act. One of the saddest things about this act is that many Americans do not even know anything about it. The act was also rushed through its process. With very little debate, it was passed. There wasn 't even a report from the Senate regarding the act (Patriot Act). It is wrong of the government to pass laws without carefully analyzing each and every part of the law that they plan to put into effect.
The government has many surveillance tactics. One of the tactics that the government uses is the Big Brother tactic. They use this in the library. The government monitors everything that people do in the library; from internet usage, to the books that are read. This is one of the biggest violations of privacy that the government has been granted to exploit. The biggest negative about this is that they may jump to conclusions to quickly. This is wrong because if someone is reading a book on suicide bombings the government may jump to the conclusion that the person

Cited: Alex. "Why the Patriot Act is Wrong." Patriot Act: Its not an Act and its not Patriotic. 24 Apr. 2004. . Caruso, David B Peacenik23. "Without Freedom, We Are Not America." Daily KOS. 5 Mar. 2006. Kos Media, LLC. . Dorilas 7 "USA Patriot Act." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 21 Feb. 2006. . Whitehead, John W

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