Nowadays abortion is a controversial issue around the world. If you ask me which country is full of prevalence of abortion, I would say that it is the United States of America. According to, it said that there are about one million people to have an abortion every year and also about three thousand people per day. I also think this issue is becoming more serious because everyone has a different idea about that. Some people are pro-life, and some people are pro-choice. This issue deals with several factors of a person’s life. Therefore, I think government should stay out of the abortion issue because of respecting religious beliefs, invading human right, and ensuring quality of life for the baby.…
There is nothing more personal and private than your own body. Out of everything in this world, it is the one thing that you truly own and it is the one thing you have control over. By limiting abortion the government is quiet literally forcing itself into the most personal, private, and intimate part of your life. What you decide to do with your own body has nothing to do with the greater well being of society. Having an abortion effects one person and one person only, the person who is pregnant. Anti-choice proponents say that abortion is the murder of a child, but they refuse to acknowledge a multitude of scientific evidence that shows that a a cluster of cells is not its own being. It is contained within a human being, it cannot live…
In conclusion, abortion should not be an option because at the moment of conception the unborn child starts to develop at a rapid speed. It developes a way of identification, a beating heart and furthermore. There is also a great risk of many things during and after the procedure. So abortion should not be an option because there are so many things that the government can do to abolish it. Such as, developing programs to give woman more helpful options so that the woman does not feel as if they need to end their unborn child's life or even making a…
That is just the point, no women nor anybody else should have the power to choose for the living human being whether or not it is going to live. There is a big difference between giving women their rights and allowing them to murder innocent human beings living inside of their bodies. It all comes down to one thing and that one thing is murder. Once again people who are for pro-choice might argue abortion is not considered to be murder, but yet the exact definition of murder is “The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.” Allow me to break that definition down even more, the definition of premeditate is to think out or plan an action beforehand, which resembles the process of abortion quite well. Overall the definition of murder is killing one without their consent in an action that is planned beforehand. One might argue these points but with research one can easily prove those invalid points to be both deceitful and…
"One in four people in our generation are not living because they were killed before they were born" ("Abortion Arguments"). One of the major problems and misconceptions with the topic of abortion is that people do not realize that life starts at conception. Many people are not aware that life of this they justify abortion. Abortion is a controversial issue that has an affect on almost every American, whether they have had an abortion, knows a person who has had an abortion, or has an opinion about abortion. I believe that having an abortion is morally wrong and I do not think that the government should fund abortions.…
I believe that a woman should be able to abort under reasonable circumstance and during a certain time. A woman has a right to choose, No one should not be able to control what a woman does with her body. By granting women the right to choose, this does not permit her to kill, but to decide what is best for all persons involved. Many situations show that abortion may be the best for the parents and the unborn child. Situations such as rape or incest prove that it is not the woman’s fault and not fair to the mother or the unborn child to pay for it. There are other situations such as if the mother carries a disease it can be passed on, or if the parents are unfit to raise a family at the time. Any case however, should be between the two individuals involved and not the government.…
The issue of whether or not abortion should be illegal has been a challenge in America for many years. It’s caused a divide between Americans-those who are prolife, and those who are prochoice. Those who are prolife feel abortion should be illegal in order to save the lives of babies. Those who are prochoice believe that the government shouldn’t have the right to make any decisions regarding a woman’s body or health. Many facts prove that abortion should be a personal decision made between the woman and her doctor based on her health and the impact this would have on her life.…
I stand behind the saying “my body, my choice”. It should be the pregnant woman’s decision to do what she likes with her body. I believe that the female having the baby should be the one to decide if she wants to have the baby or not. Why should someone who knows nothing about that person or her situation decide what her future will be? “Only a pregnant woman knows whether she is ready to have a child, and governments can play no role in influencing that decision.” cited from Right’s Center for Reproductive “Abortion is a Women’s Right”. At Issue: The Ethics of Abortion. Also a women’s right to privacy gives her the right to have an abortion without the government prying in.…
Abortion has been an ongoing controversial topic of many discussions. Women that go through with abortion tend to take for granted the life that a fetus could have lived. A woman should not have the right to choose abortion and take away an innocent life.…
Did you know that 44 million abortions happen every year ? If you think about that, that's 44 million lives lost! Did you also know that most abortion clinics use taxpayers dollars to help pay for abortion!The debate over whether or not abortion should be legal divides American in this day of age. Today’s society has differing opinions on this topic making it a huge debate. Abortion has changed many people's lives . If one is going to take the time to have sex than one should take the time to take care of the child.…
In conclusion, I believe it is a woman’s choice whether she does get an abortion or not and you do not know her reasons, so no one should be allowed to decide this for them, otherwise harmful abortions will keep killing and harming women or if they keep the baby it can be emotionally and physically harmful for the…
Abortion should be legal for one reason only - Making it illegal would cause more harm than good. People would continue having abortions, but it would be yet another massive government police state problem, like the alcohol prohibition, or any other prohibition the government has tried to force on people. Perhaps if there were, as there someday may be, real alternatives to abortion. And I don't mean adoption. That seems reasonable to a lot of people, but there…
Firstly, they have the rights to their own bodies because they have the right to their health, body, sexuality and reproductive life, without fear, violence or discrimination. Also, a pregnancy should never be mandatory. In 2008 41 percent of pregnancies were unplanned, easier to explain is 85,362,000. The choices of these 85 million women should remain their own. Their are many reasons why they would have an abortion some woman can not carry a fetus, some…
Abortion violates human rights. Abortion violates the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment guarantees equal protection for all. According to “The mother has not only the right to live, but also the right to the lifestyle of her choice—as long as that choice does not rob other people of even more fundamental rights, the most basic of which is the right to live” (Thompson). Pro-choice believers think that the pregnant woman out weights the life of a fetus. No one has more rights than another person. In America we are all equal. I believe the mother should not have the right to terminate her baby just because she does not want it. Abortion is killing a person before they can live their life.…
In the past few years abortion has grown to become one of the largest controversial topics around the world. As politics have republican and democrat, abortion has pro-life and pro-choice. Pro-life being anti-abortion and pro-choice being for abortion. Abortion has been around for decades, but now doctors can perform safe procedures with low complication rates. If abortion is to become illegal it will cause more women to seek other ways to terminate their pregnancy. Abortion should be legal, in case a victim of sexual assault, birth defects, and even for safety reasons.…