School Lunch has been around for a long time in fact school lunch was started by President Harry Truman in 1946. School lunch is offered to all students to provide a nutritionally balanced meal everyday for low or free cost.Over the years obesity rates have highly risen which first lady Michelle Obama wanted to make a change in the obesity rates of our kids , Michelle established Healthy Hunger Act in 2010. It was reported that , “The bill …show more content…
was passed by Congress with $4.5 billion in the new funding over the next 10 years” , that is making it enough for all school lunches to eat free under strict guidelines , and specific consequences (nytimes). Congress highly supported this cause because the obesity rates were shooting through the roofs.
CDC stated that , “The obesity rate for kids 6-11 has increased 18% from 1980 and adolescents from 12-19 increased by 21% “( CDC). which has definitely played a dramatic role in the United States obesity rate.Should school lunch take all the blame for the obesity rate ?
There has been a lot of controversy over school lunch lately because of Michelle Obama's Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act. A fact shows that ,” In this act the legislation authorizes funding and sets policy for USDA’s core child nutrition programs”(USDA). When The U.S department of agriculture implemented its new guidelines for schools they curbed the fatty foods and french fries with fruits and vegetables ``low fat milk and whole grain there were set limits on calories and trans-fat (anneberg).
The Federal Gov’t knew by doing this complaints would be made. Students would say that they're still hungry after having their small portioned lunch.Boycotting gradually started a senior in Weston that attends D.C Everest High School lead a protest against the federal program in which Michelle Obama campaigned , she felt like the meals were only small portioned and not technically good for them(insiderfoxnews).Kids that are raised on pizza hut and Lunchables would be highly upset over this , but if they start eating healthy now they would be more energetic , focus in class more and most of all would less likely be obese(nytimes).
There has been a lot of opinions roaming around and many parents think that the government should regulate school lunches An anonymous user on stated that,” We need to regulate the input of fatty and sugary meals in school.
It is not just this but students are not getting healthy food. We need to get rid of processed food and get organic meals. Most schools are only serving foods that can just be heated up and the served to students. We need to regulate what kids eat they can't be eating a cupcake just for lunch.” The meals can be healthy and still have a good taste to it the cafeteria management of all participating schools open their sources and stop the heat and serve method . Students that eat unhealthy foods at home could be very beneficial to the regulations because they would be having grains fruits and vegetables at school and they would balance a healthier diet , especially with low-income families. Another, anonymous user stated a very important opinion , “First of all, it's not that ridiculous for a school to require children to eat fruits and vegetables. The processed foods that poison our bodies are not healthy! It's that simple! Teaching children to eat healthy food is in no way detrimental. It's not like schools will begin forcing children to eat only approved foods; schools will be regulated so that the lunches provided are made with healthier ingredients. And for those griping about how nasty the food is: if we all give up a decent sum of money now, we will not have to pay slow steady taxes for the regulations, and with a decent amount of money something beneficial can actually be done. Taking out this problem with one swift swing would make it efficient, beneficial (unlike many other government programs), and increase our childrens' health. Also, children will be allowed to take food to school. Regulation does not mean communism! Our children are the future, and have you seen the effects that obesity has? If these obesity concerns
were able to accumulate in only the last few years, how will they compile in the next decade?”These are very important reasons why the government should regulate school lunches unhealthy lunches and food in general are having a big effect over our kids.
It has been reported that ,”No school has been certified as meeting the updated nutrition standards that took effect July 1, 2014, including sodium limits, the requirement that 100% of grains be whole grain rich, and the mandate to offer a full cup of fruit at breakfast” there still is alot of work that is needed to meet the guidelines (schoolnutrition).
People need to consider about this act , and have a positive approach over what Michelle has offered to our economy Evidence confirms that having a school based diet can help kids have better eating patterns and body weights, the uprising generation will battle with the greatest consequences of obesity . The obesity of our kids is very important .Schools are identified as key settings for public health strategies to lower or prevent the prevalence of overweight and obesity (ncbi).Our kids are our future and we should all do what it takes for them to have healthy lives.