In the museum we did a tour, they explain us the important of this animal, what are his uses that is only one, give color to certain type of things, and they say us that this creature is used on certain types of products of our daily life certain like FUD, Starbucks coffee, yoghurt, and other type of products, after this they shows us some nopals with the "Grana Cochinilla" but obviously we can't see them because they are minuscular animals.
They shows us the process to have the dust of the animal, and how they give color to this dust, we give a tour to the garden where they contain some nopal, but it was so tiny the space to walk that the group need to walk carefully because we think that on the grade were some snakes, or some spiders that can attack us, the people of the museum were amicably and they gave us some tablecloths to draw something that we want on it, I draw a scene beach on the afternoon, my drawing were good but I didn't liked so much, we put some liquid on the parts that we didnt want to cover with "Grana Cochinilla", after this we introduce the tablecloths on some water that contain red dust of "Grana Cochinilla", the Profesor Sid us that we need to wait 5 minutes until this were finish, that 5 minutes were so longer to me, I was excited to see how my tablecloth were, how they look like.
The 5 minutes were completed, we take our tablecloth, mine was beautiful, I put it to dry, and when it dry, we take our lunch and talk with the other classmates about our life, the parties that come and other things not important. When our