Many of our nation’s farmers were having a difficult time, even before the Great Depression from mostly producing far too much produce with the prices being far too low. The effects trickled downhill becoming worse with no sign of improving. People weren’t buying enough food, which didn’t help put enough money into the economy. Since the prices were so low, hardly any money was in being put into the economy, resulting in more money being spent then coming in.
With this occurring, the stock market took a harsh turnaround from a soaring market, to a collapsing panic. The stock market did exceptionally well the majority of the 1920’s, growing very rapidly. The problem though, was even though it was poring money into the economy; all of the profit was basically simulated. More then enough of people were buying solely on margin. Margin was when they paid part of the stock when they bought it, and then they would pay the rest when they sold it. This worked for a while but only when