
The Great Depression In The 1920's

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The Great Depression In The 1920's
Thousands of men waited in long lines in hopes of finding any kind of work so that they could make money to support their families. People were starving and looking for any way to feed their children, even if that meant begging. During the early 20th century, the United States of America endured what is possibly known as the most devastating economic nightmare in history. The Great Depression was a time of great suffering for millions of Americans which lasted from the end of 1929 to 1939. However, the nation saw the worst part of this Depression during the years of 1929 to 1933, which left an unbelievable 13 million unemployed with little to no hope of recovering. To say that this was a very trying time for the American people would be an …show more content…
Throughout the 1920’s, also known as “The Roaring Twenties”, was a time of peace for the nation. The economy was at the highest point ever and the country as a whole was wealthier than it has ever been. It was during this decade that The United States became the richest nation on Earth. There were more people living in urban areas than rural and there were a lot more factory jobs than there were farming. It was also during this time that the Jazz Age of music started to boom and famous musicians like Louis Armstrong introduced jazz music to the world. People would spend their time singing and dancing without a worry in the world. Things were good for the American people and it’s clear that this was a time that they loved and never wanted to let go of. The total wealth of the nation actually doubled during the years of 1920 and 1929, and it was this growth that swept Americans into a consumer society. This meant that more people were spending most of their money on recreational items, such as appliances and products rather than necessities such as good and clothing. There were new radios to buy, theater tickets, electricity and other luxurious items. It was such a carefree time and people felt invincible with all they ever needed and wanted at their disposal. Nothing could bring them down or get in the way of their happiness, that is until the stock …show more content…
Unfortunately, the Supreme Court ruled that the NRA was unconstitutional and violated the separation of powers. The PWA, or the Public Works Administration, was made to give jobs and economic motivation for the people, however it came to an end in 1941. The SSA, or Social Security Act, was a program provided by the government in order to provide income to people who had retired. The FSA, or Federal Security Agency, was made for the purpose of administering social security funds to retirees, providing federal education funding as well as food and drug safety. The CWA, or the Civil Works Administration, was created in 1933 to provide construction jobs across the country; however it ended in 1934 due to it being too costly. And finally there was the CCC, or the Civilian Conservation Corps, which was created by Roosevelt in order to help defeat the unemployment crisis. It succeeded by creating many jobs building parks. With the introduction and administration of all of these programs, the economy and the people definitely saw major improvements across the country and received the help they so desperately needed. However, despite the success of most of the programs, the New Deal as a whole failed to succeed in bringing The Great Depression to an end

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