The Great Gatsby: Banal City Of The Valley Of Ashes
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s introduction of chapter two contains a vivid description of the dull and banal city of the Valley of Ashes. He illustrates that the area is riddled with “ashes” that seep into the homes due to the severe pollution. In addition, the tainted land turns the inhabitants into lifeless ghosts who “move dimly and [are] crumbling through the powdery air.” Furthermore, the “gray cars crawl” through the tracks emitting a “ghastly creak.” Fitzgerald’s eloquent characterization serves the purpose to introduce the banal life of George Wilson; his somber diction creates a sense of desolation in the ambiance of the chapter. Moreover, George is described as a “spiritless man” to show that the Valley of Ashes rescinds the life out of
everything that lives there. His “anaemic and faintly handsome” face is a repercussion caused by the place where he lives. Fitzgerald’s somber word choice assures the reader that the Valley of Ashes is not a healthy home to reside in.