Chapter 1 (Pages 5-26) Summary: In this chapter, Nick is reveals as the narrator of the story. Nick’s actions show that he is a non-judgmental and respectful person because other characters tend to tell him their life stories. Nick is a “Carraway,” a person in a family with wealth and class. Nick introduces the setting of New York City and the two “egg-like” islands called West Egg and East Egg in Long Island. Nick resides on the West Egg, which is not as rich and sophisticated as East Egg, along with Mr. Gatsby and the Gatsby’s mansion. Nick also reveals that he is a stockbroker and a business man. The reason why he is on the East Egg is to have dinner with Daisy, his cousin, and her husband Tom Buchanan. Tom is an aggressive and a former football player. There were two women in the house, one is Daisy and the other is Jordan Baker. Daisy shows her interests for Gatsby when her husband mentions him in a conversation. Later, Tom gets a phone call from a “woman” that is supposedly cheating with Tom, who irritates Daisy and she goes in to yell at him. Daisy returns later and confesses with Nick of her terrible life at home with Nick. Nick later finds out that Miss Baker is a professional golfer, but could not recall a story about her. Eventually Nick returns to the West Egg, and notices Mr. Gatsby chilling on the lawn. However, Mr. Gatsby is not chilling but rather is staring at a green light across the water.
Character Description: Nick Carraway
Quote: “In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since” (Pg. 5).
Characteristics: Tolerant, respectful, observant, trustable, quiet, caring
Nick Carraway is the narrator of the novel and the novel is basically in his perspective. Nick resides in the West Egg along with Gatsby and his mansion. Nick and Daisy are cousins, and Nick seems to despise Tom because of his rude and cocky attitude. Nick finds out that Tom is cheating on Daisy, and it is Miss Baker that tells him the dirty secret. This is significant in that other people can easily trust Nick.
“It made me uneasy, as though the whole evening had been a trick of some sort to exact a contributory emotion from me. I waited, and sure enough, in a moment she looked at me with an absolute smirk on her lovely face as if she had asserted her membership in a rather distinguished secret society to which she and Tom belonged” (Pg. 22).
Nick feels that he is being used by Daisy and Tom because they are trying to obtain attentions and understandings from Nick. Daisy confesses to Nick about her terrible and despicable life at home with Tom. He also feel that Daisy is smiling off her feelings to show that she is a strong and capable woman, and she is not as weak as her life makes her.