Daisy. A five letter name that has Gatsby awestruck the entire book, or so we believe. All he does is to acquire the attention and love from …show more content…
Not just the difference in actual spacing but in their love/lust for one another. The social divide between Gatsby and Daisy has been the impediment to their relationship since the beginning, and when Gatsby went out to make his fortune as a young man, he did it with the dream of winning Daisy as his motivation. However sadly in the end he did it all for nothing, and Daisy betrayed him.The true love he believes they share is an illusion. Daisy indicates her difficulty with the pressure Gatsby places on her in terms of what he wants from …show more content…
Gatsby deliberately makes people believe his rise to wealth is legitimately real. In Ch.2 Mr. McKee states that he had attended one of Gatsby’s many parties “Well they say he’s a nephew or a cousin of Kaiser Wilhelm’s.” However later you find out this is false. Also, during the years he was with Dan Cody, they sailed around the world three whole times. When Cody passed away, Gatsby was meant to be left with twenty-five thousand dollars; but unfortunately for Gatsby, Cody’s mistress prevented him from claiming this inheritance. Which he turned up making his actually money from mischievous ways. Gatsby is “the” illusion; whether it starts from his past or he lives in an era of drunkenness and mischief. As he turned illusions into his own reality,Gatsby created a life of misery and uncertainty. Illusion puts on the mask of reality; and tears apart not only his but everyone life he's involved in. The whole old money vs new money deal is quite spectacular in this book. Money brings out the best and worst in the characters in the book. Old money doesn’t think highly of the new money. Perhaps old money dislikes new money is because old money feels vulnerable. An good example of this would be when Tom (old money) and Gatsby (new money) had their confrontation in the hotel. Tom says, “ Self control, I suppose the latest thing is to sit back and let Mr. Nobody from Nowhere make love to your wife”. Tom in a way feels unsafe with Jay Gatsby because of not only