Women themselves were marked with a stiga involving their body as a way to get around in life, not because they wanted to but how they were treated as leads them to do so. Most of society viewed them as “flappers” who drank and listened to jazz and had sex . While on the other hand, men were viewed as the supreme of the two. Men were treated with so much more respect and were seen as the “breadwinner” and were naturally better at getting away with things because they were more “credible” than women were. In 1920’s society men were still seen as superior to women, even though a growth of had feminism helped women, which is evident in the film Chicago and the book The Great Gatsby in the way that women used their bodies as a way to get things that they want as well as make men do crazy …show more content…
They could use their attractiveness and their bodies to get what they want. Myrtle uses her body to attract Tom and use him to buy her expensive things. Tom on the other hand wants to feel powerful so he continues to spoil Myrtle in The Great Gatsby. In the film Chicago , a similar situation occurs where Roxie uses Fred Casley to try to get a chance to perform at a nightclub. Roxie and Fred have an affair where they are using each other for their own needs. The reason why some would point these two situations out is because in both cases the man is getting sex out of the woman. What's to say this scene doesn't occur often in the 1920’s. The fact is that it happened very often because women had this power over men in a