English 101-105
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch The Ocean seems to be used as a dump for everyone to throw their trash away in. Seems to be like all the pollution in the ocean comes from human waste than anything else. The ocean pollution is now a big problem facing us in everyday life. For years we have been trying to stop the dumping of trash, chemicals, and toxic waste into our oceans, but the people who do it still find ways to get around the rules. They just don’t seem to care about the problems we are going to face in the future with this. The ocean gets polluted in a couple ways, waste chemicals and plastic debris. Recycling needs be a big priority in our world. Eighty percent of all the trash in the Pacific Ocean is plastic. I believe that if we don’t do small things like recycle. It will get worse and worse. Therefore we must start by recycling. In fact we can make it a habit, a priority to help out the environment. It is outrageous to think that we have been so ignorant to have created this great big patch of garbage. As a result, the ocean has six times more plastic than plankton. The patch has been known to be two sizes bigger than Texas. For this reason we need to take more care of our planet in which we live in. Eliminating plastic bags would also be great help to the environment. Each year seven billion pounds of plastic is made. The reason that is there is a great demand in supply. Initially, we would always use plastic bags for every need. Eventually it led up to this great Pacific garbage dump. In other words, we have created this big patch of dump. For example by throwing this trash into the water we now suffer with lead. Lead could really mess up someone’s brain, kidneys, or reproductive system. This gets into your body because the marine life that we consume and goes into our bodies. We can stop this by reducing the amount of harmful