Bob was a very hard worker and he took his job responsibilities seriously. Beverly Sadowoskytook notice of his work ethic and believed that he should have more responsibility. She thought that Bob had far more potential than his current position allowed him to use. Consequently, she wanted Bob to take the position of department supervisor that would be available once Gertrude Tocco retired. Beverly asked Bob if he was willing to become a department supervisor. Reluctantly, Bob declined because he wanted something more challenging and he felt that becoming a department supervisor would mean a dead end job with mundane tasks. Nevertheless, Beverly continued to pursuit him for the position in different ways, offering him various perks. Finally, Beverly asked Bob what it would take for him to take the position. Bob then provided her with a fairly large list of request in terms of benefits and compensation that he required in order to accept the position. To Bob’s surprise, Beverly fulfilled his entire list of requests and Bob accepted the position.
Bob and Beverly had a great working relationship. Bob respected his boss, and took pride in making her and the department “look good”. Likewise, Beverly exhibited a hands off approach in managing Bob. She passed on many of her job responsibilities to Bob and allowed him to grow and learn on his own how to manage the