A leader is someone who guides and inspires others in a way which brings out the potential lying dormant inside of them. To inspire, one must stir emotions, drive and intellect in others to motivate them to act on your vision (Pace, 2006) Great leaders are born with certain characteristics, which give them an advantage over others; however, they are not born a great leader. Such an individual utilize and mature their born traits, over time as they experience life’s challenges. These experiences yield knowledge and this knowledge is used to guide and improve the lives of others. Great leaders not only reflect on what they have learned for themselves, but also they are eager to learn and impart new ideas and information into others. Therefore, great leaders are not born; they develop knowledge and wisdom through experience.
Leaders are both born and made. People are born with certain qualities and characteristics which help them to be more geared toward leadership. Such features as confidence, drove, empathy, ambition, determination all improves person’s ability to lead. Many strong leaders are very sociable individuals, and they are very curious also. Nevertheless, there is much to improve in order to become a great leader in the business arena or any other arena (Financial Management, 2001).
Some individuals can easily understand and retain information, which can be a trait in which they are born with; however, without the reality of life’s experiences, born traits have no conduit to flourish (PR, N, 2012) even though they give the person an advantage over others. Now, there is an understanding, in addition to born features, experience plays an enormous role in the development of a strong leader.
According to study, leaders who have born features which enhance their abilities are better thinkers due to their determination to seek experiences which will help them develop in particular areas (PR, N, 2012). These life experiences must be
References: Gilmore, D. C. (2006). Review of 'Leadership development in balance: MADE/born '. The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 9(1), 59-62. doi:10.1207/s15503461tpmj0901_6 Good leaders are made, not born. (2001). Financial Management (14719185), 6. Pace, J. (2006). The Workplace: Interpersonal Strengths and Leadership. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies. PR, N. (2012, June 5). Are Strategic Leaders Born or Made?. PR Newswire US.