Leaves are green because that is the only wavelength of light that is not absorbed by the structures within the leaf. That is to say, all the light that comes from the sun gets absorbed into the leaf, but the green light bounces off, thus making the leaf appear, green.
The green in leaves comes from a material called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is where photosynthesis takes place, and there for it is very important to the health of a plant.
Reduce humidity in your home. Sun-dry the used tea leaves and leave them in a damp corner to absorb excess moisture. Be sure to dry them outside your home, or you'll just be wasting.
That the Reason why leaves are green, and now that we know why they are green are questions is already answered. God created everything that we see it all come from him, that’s why we need to take care of it. We must know how to value them. Not just only know but we must act what we know. God give us authority to control or govern everything in this earth under his name. We should be thankful for that but not all people know that fact because they do not know JESUS CHRIST our saviour. Are we not seeing the value of nature to us?thay are so important to us. If they will be destroyed by human the earth will be ruin also because of the cause and effect law.
Truth in Nature exists to share the love of Christ with single parent youth to develop and strengthen their ability to make a positive impact in the community and beyond.