In conclusion proving you are a man in today’s society seems to be very stress full and at times might take a toll on a few of these young boy’s. Maybe it is wrong how society is and the pressure these young boys face. It has been this way for many years and I highly doubt the presumption of what it takes to be a man will change any time soon. It was interesting to learn how the minds of guys think. The power, respect, and pride in these men just to follow the so called “guy code” is very amazing but just how far will these boys and men go to prove there masculinity? Leaves me to think how my son’s will be and grow up to become after having had lived through school, college and work experiences.
Work Cited Page Kimmel, Michael. "Bros before hos the guy code." guyland 2008: 15. Print.
Cited: Page Kimmel, Michael. "Bros before hos the guy code." guyland 2008: 15. Print.
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