By the end, Owen is able to take charge of a life or death situation and manages to save the lives of many Vietnamese children through his valorous actions. The short story, the Handsomest Drowned Man In the World, by Gabriel García Máquez is another example of a book that would be considered magical realism. In his novel Máquez tells the tale of a small coastal village in which the body of a dead man winds up on drifting ashore. This drowned man’s arrival signifies the start of change throughout the village which is largely changed due to arrival. This becomes a key part of Máquez’s main message which states that people undergo transformations depending on what scenarios they are faced with. The very first time that the villagers were confronted with the drowned man, it
By the end, Owen is able to take charge of a life or death situation and manages to save the lives of many Vietnamese children through his valorous actions. The short story, the Handsomest Drowned Man In the World, by Gabriel García Máquez is another example of a book that would be considered magical realism. In his novel Máquez tells the tale of a small coastal village in which the body of a dead man winds up on drifting ashore. This drowned man’s arrival signifies the start of change throughout the village which is largely changed due to arrival. This becomes a key part of Máquez’s main message which states that people undergo transformations depending on what scenarios they are faced with. The very first time that the villagers were confronted with the drowned man, it