dignity.”(Marquez 2) The women made him clothes to wear even though he was dead. They loved Esteban even though they were two different people. Marquez asserts, “Where the sunshine such that the sunflowers don’t know where to turn, yes, there is the village of the Esteban.”(Marquez 4) The villagers released Esteban back into the water without a anchor, so that he could come back if he wished. As a matter of fact, they named the village after Esteban. Esteban has brought hope, happiness and love to the village. Every author incorporates different interpretations of love in the stories. Furthermore, “Death and Transfiguration” by Maria Teresa Solari demonstrates love as a metaphor by describing the love between money and love between poetry.
For instance, Solari emphasizes, “She died with a beatific smile on her face.”(Solari 3) The teacher that was eaten by her students. She died for what she loved writing which was poetry and died with a smile on her face. Solari also hints at, “Money changed hands, classes resumed and the girls did very well in their finals.”(Solari 4) Money controls the decision people make. The girls actions of eating the teacher, sold like hotcakes in the newspaper, but they did not get punished because of the influence of
money. To sum up, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Maria Teresa Solari in “Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” and “Death and Transfiguration of a Teacher” both express love as a metaphor in their stories. Marquez and Solari’s stories highlighted the importance of love as a metaphor. Marquez depicts at love between two unique people and Solari depicts love between money and poetry.