Pages 179-184 of The Happiest Refugee portrays what memory is and an example is about racism. Do specifically recalls a night in his life he was discriminated because of his race, it has now become a memory because it was a moment of time where he remembers exactly what had happened. Racism is the act of negative comments, derogatory terms and social exclusion. Do is insulted by a security guard as he notes "We don't really like your types in here", Do takes this matter rather humorously with a reply "That's ok mate". Humour has deflected Do's life; it has turned negative problems into …show more content…
positive ones, sad into happy and forgettable into unforgettable moments.
In this book, Do has used humour to bring out his true personality and to give the meaning that even though bad things happens in our life, good things are rewarded. This scene is especially placed in the book because it was a
memory of his own and can straight away remember exactly what happened because this had an impact on his life. Ahn mentioned, "It wasn't the best gig of my life, but it was one of the greatest experiences of my career": he speaks about how one night had made him stronger in a way that his life is depicted in laughter, jokes and having a good time. Racism and discrimination are used again when the host of the pub refers to Do as ‘Duncan O'Reilly' because they have never received a Vietnamese comedian it would have caused a riot because it wasn't normal to have a sloped eye guy making jokes on stage and because most of the Aussie blokes were drunk.
The Happiest refugee gives another example of remembering something when Do talks about sport. Do quotes, " I was no good at tunnel ball and hopeless at bull rush" I was no good at tunnel ball, hopeless at bulrush, and rubbish at…", Do uses accumulation and listing to let the readers know that there were many things that he was bad at. Tunnel ball and bulrush are easy games to play but it just proves that Do couldn't even fit into things that were really easy, because he didn't even know how to play a game that required people to throw a ball. " made speeches like an illegal Mexican", this is mentioned by Do who has used a simile to compare the way his family speaks to the Mexican then linked humour into that sentence to give the readers a bit of a laugh.
Conclusively, due to the racism in a pub and feeling like an outsider, this has bought Anh Do to remember things that have happened in the past, to become a memory. These stories were included to give the annotation that things that happen now, will forever be with us.