English Practical Writing II
Lecturer Nelly Huang
June 13, 2013
The purpose of this research attempts to find out what harmful effects thattelevision and video games might bring to adolescents’ behaviors and discuss how teenagers’ behaviors are influenced by these two kinds of media. Adolescents recently spent plenty of time on these twomedia; however they will cause some undesirable influences on teenagers. To achieve the purpose of the study, the research adopts the online scholarly journals and other online materials. The major finding of this research demonstrated the television and video games do bring harmful effects on adolescents in terms of stimulating teenager’s violent behaviors, provoking adolescents to attempt to smoke or drink alcohol, and obtaining incorrect messages of sexual interpretations.
The Harmful Effects Television and Video Games Bring to Adolescents
In recent years, people are living in an information-explosion generation. As the advance of the technology, the media such as the newspaper, televisions, video games, and the Internet affect people’s idea and behavior a lot in an unapparent way. For instance, people are used to keeping in touch by Facebook instead of writing letters. In addition, Kuo (2004)claimed that the television already became the second curriculum of adolescents and children except the school systems.
Over the past few decades, watching TV and playing video games have been taking a considerable portion in adolescents’ time. For instance, a scenario in India shows a similar trend. Indian children spend more than two hours of their time ontelevision daily(Agrarwal&Dhanaselaran, 2012). Moreover, one of the reasons of the teenagers who spent a lot of their time on TV and video games is that they do not have friends to play with; as the result, they spent most of the time on
References: Agarwal, V. &Dhanaselaran, S. (2012). Harmful effects on media on children and adolescents. J. Indian assoc. child adolesc. Ment health 8(2),38-45. Bleakley, A. Hennessy, M. Fishbein, M., & Jordan, A. (2011).Using the integrative model to explain how exposure to sexual media content influences adolescent sexual behavior. Health education & behavior38 doi: 10.1177/1090198110385775 Bulck, J.V Escobar-Chaves, S., Tortolero S. R., Markham, C. M., Low, B. J., Eitel, P., &Thickstun, P. (2005). Impact of the media on adolescent sexual attitudes and behaviors.American academy of pediatrics 116, 303-326. doi:10.1542/peds.2005-0355D Funk J Johns Hopkins’ Media and Adolescent Substance Abuse (2011). Springfield, MA: Johns Hopkins. Krcmar, M., & Greene, K. (2000).Violent television exposure as a contributor to adolescent risk taking behavior.Media Psychology, 2, 195–217. Lyons, A., McNeill, A. & Britton, J. (2013, March 11). Tobacco imagery on prime time.UK television.TC Online First. Peak, H., Gunther, C. A., McLeod, D., & Hove, T. (2011). How adolescents’ perceived media influence on peers affects smoking decisions. The journal of consumer affairs, 123-146. 嚴玉霜&蕭裕民. (2012, January 20). 媒體素養向前走:卡通對青少年的影響[Electronic version]. 台灣立報, 34. .