
The Hazardous Effects of Drunk Driving

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The Hazardous Effects of Drunk Driving
Tiarra Harris
Teen Driving Issue Project
Drunk Driving
Why is this a problem, especially for teen drivers? Drunk driving is hazardous to teen drivers, passengers and innocent people on the road. Drinking alcohol and trying to drive isn’t a good mixture you can injure someone else badly and be sent to jail, pass out on the wheel, not see correctly due to being dizzy because your wasted and you also kill yourself. 211 children students were killed in drunk driving crashes in 2010. Of those 211 children 62% were riding in the car with an impaired driver. Because most teens being selfish and irresponsible innocent people are losing their lives.
Statistics from research regarding teen crash rates.
Every 53 minutes in America, someone is killed in a drunk driving crash. That equates to 27 people every day.
Kids and teens who get involved with alcohol at a young age are 7 times more likely to be involved in an alcohol-related crash in their lives.
Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for teens, and roughly 1/3 of these accidents involve alcohol or another substance.

How is one organization or group trying to solve this problem? The Mother Against Drunk Driving was created to aid the victims of crimes performed by individuals driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, to aid the families of such victims and to increase public awareness of the problem of drinking and drugged driving. Its work on preventing underage drinking and emerging research underscored our efforts to prevent youth alcohol use. MADD’s efforts in this area were also encouraged and supported by the government, corporations, educators, the media and public. The mission of Mothers Against Drunk Driving is to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime and prevent underage drinking.

How is another organization or group working to solve the problem
Teens Against Drunk Driving’s mission is to develop responsible adults, beginning at the Junior

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