The storyline of this movie is an interesting and exciting one. It starts off with Harry being warned not to go …show more content…
to Hogwarts by a house elf named Dobby. His intentions are mysterious, and it is unknown why Hogwarts will be so dangerous this year. It presents a problem that foreshadows the rest of the events that happen in the movie. It’s a challenge that isn’t really seen that much in movies. Because of this, its inclusion is great. Later on, the Muggle-borns are picked off one by one, all petrified by an unknown beast. Messages are written in blood on the walls at some of the places where somebody has been petrified. These messages declare that the Chamber of Secrets has been opened which means that the true Heir of Slytherin has emerged. It turns into a kind of detective sequence where Harry and his friends try to figure out who the Heir of Slytherin is and the monster that caused these witches and wizards to be petrified. Eventually, Hermione, one of Harry’s close friends, is petrified. This event, although dreadful, actually helps Harry and Ron deduce what the beast is by reading the paper she had in her hand. Mysteries like these are enjoyable and this sequence is quite good. Lastly, at the end of the movie, Harry faces the Heir of Slytherin and the basilisk, the creature responsible for the petrification of the Muggle-borns. The Heir of Slytherin turns out to be Tom Riddle, the past version of Lord Voldemort. It makes sense since Voldemort had all of the hallmarks of someone who was a Slytherin through and through. He could talk to snakes, an ability which Salazar Slytherin possessed, and he was a cunning, powerful person who wanted power. Once revealing this to Harry, Tom unleashes the basilisk upon him. A fascinating opponent. One who could kill you just by giving you the death stare! Luckily, Dumbledore’s phoenix comes to the rescue slashing at the basilisk’s eyes, rendering them useless to see and kill. At the end of the fight, Harry unknowingly summons Godric Gryffindor’s sword and manages to kill the basilisk at the cost of one of the basilisk’s fangs going through Harry’s arm. This injects the deadly venom of the basilisk into Harry. In an act of sheer determination, Harry uses the basilisk fang to destroy Tom Riddle’s diary, thus making the memory of Tom Riddle contained in the diary to disappear. The phoenix, with its miracle-working tears, heals Harry’s wound and rids him of the venom. A riveting sequence indeed. All these events, when put together, create an enrapturing storyline.
Secondly, the humor or just some of the amusing events of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets are entertaining. For example, there’s a part where Harry gets hit in the arm by the rogue bludger, and Gilderoy attempts to repair Harry’s broken arm. The spell doesn’t work, and instead it removes the bones from Harry’s arm. Gilderoy says something about the bones in Harry’s arm, and Hagrid remarks saying that instead of the spell not working or having very little bones, he says that Harry doesn’t have any bones left. Also, when Harry and Ron started following the spiders, Ron wonders why they had to follow spiders instead of butterflies which is a bit funny. Finally, Gilderoy, Ron, and Harry enter the Chamber of Secrets, and Gilderoy tries to perform a memory charm on Ron and Harry. It backfires, and he loses his memory which makes him act dumb and clueless to his whereabouts. The humor of this movie adds to the entertainment of the whole thing and makes it more enjoyable than it already is.
The special effects of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets are quite good and they need to be since this is a movie set in the fantasy genre where there are witches, wizards, and other mythical beings.
A good example of these special effects is when Harry’s glasses become cracked when he exits the chimney at the beginning of the movie. He manages to get back to Diagon Alley where he is greeted by Hermione. As ever, she knows the right spell to repair Harry’s glasses. “Oculus Reparo ”, she says, and there is a faint flash whereupon you can see the cracks in Harry’s glasses being repaired. The next thing you know, his glasses are looking as if they hadn’t been broken seconds before. Another example of special effects is when Snape casts his spell upon Gilderoy in the dueling class, and he’s sent twirling in the air with a spectacular flash! Lastly, the special effects in the scene where Harry destroys Tom Riddle’s diary with the basilisk fang are superb. The memory seeming as if he’s becoming more fragmented the more Harry stabbed the diary with the fang. Eventually, the memory of Tom Riddle disappears with a bright explosion of light. The special effects of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets are remarkable and add to the immersion of the
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is a marvelous movie that I recommend for younger viewers and people who like the fantasy genre. It’s sarcastic and ironic humor would appeal to older viewers as well.