The Organizational Development program 's low level of acceptance in the organization .
Some members of the OD group are unhappy with the current situation .
Division of beliefs within the group which led to misunderstandings .
Evaluation of training program produced mixed reactions .
Company culture is not one to implement changes in such fast pace .
Zoltan 's seeming favor towards the two older members of the OD group
The decision to place the OD program under the human resources department .
Systems Affected
Since the OD program will be placed under the human resources department , the members will have to report to Paul Blake now , instead of being able to directly report to Zoltan .s
The group members experienced a rift brought about by the new structure and line of authority , with Kay and Pete even considering on resigning from their posts .
Overhead costs assigned to the OD program would now be controlled by the executive committee .
A central contact person (Indar ) as suggested by the committee would be the only one now to be permitted to contact Zoltan .
The goals of the OD program would now have to be subjected under the scrutiny of the human resources department , for purposes of evaluating the budget requirements of the goals which should fit with the budget of the firm .
Follow all of the committee 's recommendations and get on with the program under the jurisdiction of the human resources department .
Let Kay and Pete resign and look for people for the OD program who are compatible with the culture of the Hexadecimal Company .
Follow some of the committee 's recommendations save for designating a central contact person , and still allow all OD group members to contact
Zoltan directly .
Stop the OD program altogether and look for another way to help the company achieve organizational excellence .
As Brown and Harvey (2005 )