The text under consideration runs about men drives to London by new car. On the road he takes a Hitchhiker, and they argue about the power of the car. The main personage pressed down on the accelerator and the car ran. Then a cop on a motorcycle loom up alongside them and raise a hand to stop. The officer of police take driving license and write all information in books. Afterwards the main character knows about, what his Hitchhiker stole documents from the cop.
The story can be divided into three parts. If we entitle each part, the first part can be called description a car; the second part can be called the dispute ended punishment; the title of the third part is Professional fingersmith.
The tense increases and gains momentum when Hitchhiker held up the belt of the main character. The story is written in a humorous key. The author achieves the humorous effect with the help of detailing actions, when the officer of police spated out a gob. Roald Dahl used narrative technique a dialogue with an account of events in the text.
Vocabulary level of the text: car parts are car body, car seats, wheelbase, engine. The car is personified with the pronoun «she», and with verbs to growl, to grunt, to purr.
There is a great abundance of similes: like rat` eyes, like an executioner, his voice was as haircream in the given extract. Also the text abounds in metaphor: the motor began to purr, I was driving whispering and epithet: a big meaty man, soft and oily voice.
The Hitchhiker`s appearance was described as a small ratty-faced man with grey teeth, rat like eyes, slightly pointed ears, wearing a cloth hat, grayish-coloured jacket with enormous pockets. In other words, he looked like a human rat. I think that Roald Dahl describes