People are starting to be desensitized to the value of another person’s life, especially if they are from another culture. Cultural diversity started America and many Americans are starting to stray away from the original idea of how America should be. Everyone has different opinions on racism, but it is a proven fact that if racism did not exist then almost all of our issues in America would not be issues anymore. When watching the news on television, many of the top stories are for Americans slaughtering one another because of deeply rooted racial conflicts. In order for America to get rid of racial conflicts and prejudices, it will have to have all Americans learn to value each other’s lives and respect each other’s religion, culture, language, and personal beliefs. Racism is a problem with an extremely hard solution, but if the solution was strongly supported, then racism may finally come to an
People are starting to be desensitized to the value of another person’s life, especially if they are from another culture. Cultural diversity started America and many Americans are starting to stray away from the original idea of how America should be. Everyone has different opinions on racism, but it is a proven fact that if racism did not exist then almost all of our issues in America would not be issues anymore. When watching the news on television, many of the top stories are for Americans slaughtering one another because of deeply rooted racial conflicts. In order for America to get rid of racial conflicts and prejudices, it will have to have all Americans learn to value each other’s lives and respect each other’s religion, culture, language, and personal beliefs. Racism is a problem with an extremely hard solution, but if the solution was strongly supported, then racism may finally come to an