The director did a phenomenal job in this musical to create a compelling message. We see characters outfits that is exclusive to each other. Ut really help them set apart from each other and we get to see what the characters are underneath those layers. The small orchestra team creating a melody that sets the tone of the story. We hear a warm and smooth music that fits the tone when Tateh is talking about his potential success after selling his first art for a dollar. You can feel his spirits being brought back up. Or you can hear the piercing and heavy tone when Walter losing his love creates a dark atmosphere that you can feel on the weight of your shoulders. Seeing these characters transform with the appropriate music in the background drives the story of how the world changes. Whatever if the characters actually accept their new lives is not going to be easy. It is never a straight line but more of a zig-zag. Each route could be shorter or longer to the next goal of what they need in happiness. And what we saw in Ragtime; change is
The director did a phenomenal job in this musical to create a compelling message. We see characters outfits that is exclusive to each other. Ut really help them set apart from each other and we get to see what the characters are underneath those layers. The small orchestra team creating a melody that sets the tone of the story. We hear a warm and smooth music that fits the tone when Tateh is talking about his potential success after selling his first art for a dollar. You can feel his spirits being brought back up. Or you can hear the piercing and heavy tone when Walter losing his love creates a dark atmosphere that you can feel on the weight of your shoulders. Seeing these characters transform with the appropriate music in the background drives the story of how the world changes. Whatever if the characters actually accept their new lives is not going to be easy. It is never a straight line but more of a zig-zag. Each route could be shorter or longer to the next goal of what they need in happiness. And what we saw in Ragtime; change is