First, the “School of Athens” by Rapheal was acknowledged as the perfect embodiment of the Classical spirit of the High Renaissance. It represents all characteristics that can describe the Renaissance ideal: “a high degree of sensitivity to ordered space, a complete ease with Classical thought, obvious inspiration from the Roman architectural past, a brilliant sense of color and form, and a love for intellectual clarity.”(312). In the detail of the fresco, among a group of people are the two greatest ancient Greek philosophers: Plato and Aristotle. While Plato with one hand “points to the heaven, the realm of ideal form” indicate the world of idea, Aristotle “points to the earth, where his science of empirical observation must begin”(312) indicate the world of experience. Also, in the fresco, Rapheal represented the expressive energy, the physical power, and the dramatic group of his figures. All members play their role purposefully. Each group shows the variety that Raphael was capable of introducing to a compositional grouping.
Second, another greatest works in this period is the “Moses” by Michelangelo. The work is the sculpture with impression of “bulky physicality and the carefully modeled particulars of musculature, drapery, and hair”(313). When look at the figure, we can see that